Agricultural Machines & Equipment Business in BELLARY

Bio Fertilizers Business

In shifting cultivation, a small area of a forest is cleared by cutting down all the trees and the area is burned. Now that area is used for growing crops after some years when the area become less fertile then it is abundant. Again a patch is selected and this process is performed. This type of farming is practiced mainly area with abundant rainfall, so forest regenerate very quickly. They are practiced in North-East India, South-East Asia and the Amazon Basin.Subsistence farming is practiced by farmer to satisfy his family needs alone nothing is left over sale in other words it is non-commercial farming they use old method and new technology for high production. It is intensively practiced in Monsoon Asia and South-East Asia.Commercial farming cultivate the crops for commercial purpose i.e., for selling. The main motive of the farmer is to make profit. This type of farming is mainly practice in western countries like Canada and USA.Dairy farming is the rearing of the cattle on the la

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