Pharmacy Management Software Business in Coventry

Pharmacy Management Software Business

     Pharmacy management software system that increases visibility and control of all pharmacy management processes. Features Sales, Inventory Control, Masters,  CRM, Finance, Reports, Sales It’s where you take money from the customer in exchange for goods. The main function of your PMS is to automate the sales process and keep a detailed history of all transactions. Inventory Control The second most important function of PMS software is to keep track of your inventory. Inventory control means knowing how much inventory you have and how much you need to buy at any given time. Masters The master is where you will manage your entire repository about merchandising, distributor, hospital, doctor and employee information centrally to handle pharmacy operations more efficiently. CRM CRM stands for Customer-Relations-Management, it’s how you keep track of customers. Our PMS will help you store a list of customers, Track their purchase history for repeat sales and to condu

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