R&D and Testing Labs Business in Thanjavur

Data Mining Research service Business

Whatever the industry, researchers and scientists in laboratories are certain to use analytical and laboratory instruments such as analyzers, balances, chillers, fume hoods, meters, mixers/stirrers and spectrometers in their work. Researchers and laboratory managers are likely to ask several questions before selecting or purchasing this equipment, however. They want to know how efficient, cost-effective, reliable and easy to use the tools on the market are. R&D Magazine recently surveyed its readers to discover the types of analytical and laboratory instruments they commonly use, whether they are satisfied with the current technology and what features or functions can be improved.
What technologies or laboratory instruments do respondents typically use? The answers and technologies varied. Topping the list were meters/monitors (86%), balances (84%), fume hoods (82%) and mixers/stirrers/shakers (81%). These are closely followed by vacuum technology (79

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