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Online Furniture

              we strive to instill buyer confidence in each and every one of our customers. By offering in-depth product descriptions. quality images and more we are able to provide peace of mind to our loyal shoppers.To double, or even triple check, call customer service before purchasing the item to ask any other lingering questions about dimensions, weight, shipping and quality. Don't be afraid to take your time and do your research. Most furniture and home decor sites add on shipping, taxes and any other hidden fees at the end. So don’t be tricked with a perfectly packaged sale price. Our advice is to always check it, at check out. Be aware of the dimensions posted on the product page. Are you ordering a queen bed, but looking at full size dimensions? Be detailed and thorough. Dig through your junk drawer and bust out your tape measurer. Measure your space to ensure you actually have room for that perfect piece.