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Tips for weight gain queickly

  • Eat regularly. Eating five or six meals smaller meals per day when you are underweight can be more manageable compared with the standard three. This is because you typically feel full faster than a person at a healthy weight.
  • Don’t drink before meals. Fluids before meals can affect your appetite. Try limiting drinking until 30 minutes after you’ve eaten.
  • Add nutritious drinks to your diet. Avoid soft drinks and caffeine-heavy coffee that adds little nutritional value to your diet. Try milk, fruit juices, healthy shakes and fruit smoothies instead. The will help increase the energy in your diet and also add important nutrients for your health too.
  • Eat nutritious foods. When underweight, sticking to a healthy diet can help you safely gain weight. Choose fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, whole grain cereals, bread and pastas, lean meats and dairy products.
  • Snack healthy. Snacking on avocados, nuts, cheese, peanut butter or dried fruits between mealtimes can be a good way to gain weight.
  • Treat yourself. Even when underweight it’s fine to have an unhealthy treat every now and then. But be mindful of excess fat and sugar - try to keep most treats nutritious and healthy.
  • Work out. Strength training (building muscle) can help you gain weight. Exercise may also help you get your appetite back.
On this page we will explore how to gain weight safely for people who are underweight. We will highlight the risks and causes of being underweight, give you the tools to find out your BMI and explain how a nutritionist can help with your weight gain.