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Supplemental Nutrition Drinks

           Supplemental nutrition drinks provide a healthy balance of protein, carbohydrate, and fat. There are hundreds of varieties that fall into two general categories. Shakes, such as Boost or Ensure, are intended for oral consumption. You can find them on a grocery store shelf. These are formulated to help you meet general nutrition goals such as increased calories and protein. Some drinks are designed to be compatible with health conditions such as diabetes (Glucerna). Shakes are usually fortified with vitamins and blended with sugar to improve taste. Formulas are designed for more specific disease states such as cancer, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, and later-stage kidney disease. These drinks (Jevity, Osmolite) can be consumed orally but aren't designed to taste good, and are often used in feeding tubes. Your doctor will have to supervise use of these. You don't need a doctor's okay to try a shake, but it's a good idea to ask your doctor if any of the ingredients will interfere with your medications. For example, some drinks contain vitamin K, and sudden changes in vitamin K intake may interfere with the effect of the blood thinner warfarin.