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9 Benefits of Lemon Balm

Lemon balm has earned a reputation for being a potent health-supporting tool. The name ‘lemon balm’ is attributed to its noticeable lemony scent. While the plant’s reputed effect on vigor and longevity have certainly contributed to its popularity, scientific studies have only served to reinforce its reputation. Here are 10 benefits lemon balm users enjoy.

1. Calms the Mind

Lemon balm has been used for centuries as a popular oil in aromatherapy. It is said that the pure, sweet aroma of the oil promotes a feeling of relaxation and calm. Most sweet oils are said to provide the same benefit. Look for a pure lemon balm essential oil if you are thinking about using the herb in your aromatherapy practice. Lemon balm oil is the oil that has been carefully pressed from the flowers of the lemon balm plant.