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5 Simple But Effective Herbal Tips For Hair

The stinging nettle is a very important and useful plant that is loaded with hair growing benefits. It is abundantly found in North America and is also referred to as the Urtica Diocia. It is an herb that helps in preventing the conversion of testosterone hormones into dihydrotestosterone which is the main cause for hair loss. Stinging nettle can be consumed in the form of pills. It can also be used as a hair oil to see good results.

  • Put the leaves of the stinging nettle in a jar containing olive oil for about three weeks. Make sure that the jar is tightly sealed.
  • Keep the sealed jar is a cool place for about three weeks and make sure that it is not exposed to direct sunlight.
  • After three weeks, you can apply the home made oil on your scalp and hair regularly to see visible hair growth.