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7 Herbal Beauty Products You Can Make At Home

Oily skin is considered to be the most problematic skin as it makes your skin look dull, shiny and thick. But there are certain benefits like you will not get aging signs like wrinkles and fine lines too soon. Oily skin has large pores and under major risk of skin blemishes and acnes. Blackheads can also be present on the oily skin. In people with oily skin the sebaceous glands are very active and this leads to producing more oil. There are certain herbs for oily skin treatment but before knowing them it is better to know the causes behind having oily skin.Oily skin can be caused due to various factors like heredity, diet, cosmetics, birth control pills, weather conditions, pregnancy and hormone levels. Hormone secretion is more during teenagers and hence it is one of the phases were most people have to face oily skin. But it doesn't mean that it will not happen to older people. As you grow in age, the skin becomes more and more dry. During menopause and pregnancy the sebaceous glands are very active and this also leads to oily skin. Some people have combination skin type where only certain parts of their skin are oily. Taking care of oily skin is a big task but with the help of herbs for oily skin, you will not find it too hard.