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Repairing Plaster and Drywall Cracks in Your Main Line Home

We’ve got that summer sunshine, golden leaves in the autumn, winter snows, and spring showers. Unfortunately, that can also cause your plaster and drywall to expand and contract as the temperatures fluctuate, and at some point you’ve likely seen the surface of the wall crack with those pressures. Any time you’re faced with a problem like plaster and drywall cracks, there are two ways you can fix it: you can either patch over the issue and keep scraping by at the status quo, or you can take the extra effort to solve the problem for good. If you’re seeing hairline cracks, there’s a pretty quick fix for that. Nolan’s team will run a coat of Spackle over the crack and feather-sand it. Structural cracks, on the other hand, tend to come back very quickly with a Spackle fix. For structural cracks, we’ll cut open the rift and clean it, then patch and fill it. After that, we run a two-inch fiberglass mesh over the expanse of the crack. The fiberglass mesh makes a tear-resistant surface, which we Spackle and feather-sand.