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Clarifying Shampoos Gentle Enough for Damaged Hair

If your hair continues to feel dry after consistently applying moisturizers, oils, and styling products, it is a sign that your curls need to be cleansed. I know it sounds backwards, but when your curls don't seem to absorb any of the products you are applying, clarifying shampoos are necessary to remove the severe build-up of product, dirt, and oil in order for your strands to absorb moisture. Sometimes moisturizing shampoos or cleansing conditioners do not cleanse effectively enough.Clarifying shampoos should be used sparingly in a curly hair regimen, as they can dry out your hair and strip it of the necessary oils, but if you are using heavy products or notice your hair.
it may be time for a thorough cleaning. Don’t get me wrong; some curies have eliminated shampoos because they no longer use a lot of heavy products that contain ingredients like silicone and even mineral oil. If your freshly washed hair feels sticky or coated, you should try a clarifying shampoo.

What is a clarifying shampoo?

The main ingredients in many clarifying shampoos are attractants. Attractants are used to remove dirt and oil from the hair. Many clarifying shampoos contain tea tree oil, peppermint oil, or eucalyptus oil for their cleansing and anti-bacterial properties that help to aid scalp conditions. Here's our top 20 clarifying shampoos.