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Duplex Real Estate House Blog

If you don’t need to go into the office every day, a duplex could serve as the perfect work space … and you would beat all your friends when comparing commute times. You also could use the other side as a guesthouse when family or friends come to visit, which is a dream arrangement if you aren’t exactly the entertaining type. The other side of a duplex could also make a convenient place to house elderly parents who need someone checking on them daily — the parents get to remain independent, and everyone gets some privacy. Buying a great duplex deal can give you several unique benefits, such as: Great cash flow , Pay rent to yourself, rather than some landlord, The ability to gain two units in one transaction ,Relatively easy, long term financing. simply buying a duplex is not the secret to success. If you buy a bad deal, you might as well keep renting! However, if you do your homework, shop smart, and snag a great deal, a duplex can be a great springboard to help you build your financially stable future.