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Dried Fruits to take Hiking

Potassium, Iron and ExerciseBackpackers will need more potassium to replace that which is lost from the muscles while hiking and excreted through sweating and urination. It is extremely important to replenish potassium levels if you become sick and are vomiting or have diarrhea.  Low potassium levels can cause muscle cramps, fatigue, and an irregular heart beat.Organic dried fruits are not only delicious to munch on while backpacking, but have many health benefits as well.For instance, the phenols in the skin of an apple provide UV-B protection against sun damage, and the potassium in a banana help maintain muscle function.Dry fruits contain multiple vitamins (A, B, C, Calcium, Iron, and Magnesium) and are loaded with fructose, a natural fruit sugar that provides its sweet taste. Fructose, unlike man-made sugar, works in combination with the soluble fiber of the fruit to break sugar down gradually (keeping the body’s glucose stabilized) while it converts it into energy for the body.Dried fruit is also an excellent source of dietary fiber!