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Blog Posts About Facials and Skin Care

One may have a facial done to reverse the damage inflicted by everyday stress, pollution and free radicals, to do away with (adult) acne and blemishes, or to simply pamper oneself with a relaxing face massage. Whatever be your reason for indulging in one, your skin will unquestionably reap many benefits. We tell you how to choose the right facial for your skin type, how long to wait before you go in for your next one, and what to do to prolong the effects of the beauty procedure. A facial unclogs the skin’s pores from deep within. It also helps safeguard against future skin problems like wrinkles, extreme dryness, pigmentation, etc. Popping zits and uprooting white-heads and blackheads can leave behind scars – it is best to leave them to a skilled professional to minimize damage. Women with adult acne or sensitive skin can have specialized facials done to stabilize sebum production, reduce inflammation, increase cell turnover, etc. The results are an even-toned complexion, softer age lines, smaller pores, greater suppleness and generally happier skin. Also, studies prove that the face, neck and shoulder massage included in facials is incredibly stress-relieving.