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How To Trim Long Hair - Best Body Hair Trimmer

Before trimming your hair, you should wash and shampoo your hair allowing it to dry naturally or by using a towel. Trimming hair can be messy, so take the time to protect your clothing by wrapping a towel over your shoulders and neck. This will not only keep your clothing hair-free but it will also prevent excess hair from falling onto the floor where it can be difficult to clean up. All the cut hair should fall onto the towel, making it simple to just empty it into the trash. Comb through your hair and decide on a length that you prefer. Take a long strand of hair between your first two fingers running them down the strand until you have reached the length that you desire. Once you have made a guideline strand of hair, you can use the trimmers to cut the rest of your hair to the same length. You can do this by dividing your hair into long sections and then, taking it one section at a time, pull a length towards you and cut it at the same length as your guideline strand with the trimmers. This will trim off the ends leaving a precise line. You can repeat this around your entire head to achieve a uniform blunt cut.