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Steam Hydration has been around for many years. The steamer may be used as a deep conditioning treatments, color processing, opening the pores and much more.
Steam opens the cuticle layer of your hair strand and allows the conditioner to penetrate deep into the hair shaft, which in return leaves your hair moisturized. Instead of just putting conditioner on the hair and letting it sit on top of the hair shaft. The steam helps to open the cuticle layer thus allowing the conditioner to penetrate deep.Once your hair is trained with the steam hydration (5 treatments to train the hair) you will notice that your style will last longer. By doing steam hydration, you are building up the moisture content level of your hair! One common reason for hair loss and hair fall is lack of vitamins or other nutrients. Just as your body can prosper by improving your diet, hair can also benefit from proteins, minerals and vitamins. Hair loving natural ingredients deliver nutrients for luscious healthy hair. Rice, Jojoba and Soy strengthen weak hair and rebuild damaged strands, restore elasticity and lessen hair loss from breakage.Papaya Leaf extract is a rich source of anti-oxidants that is about 20 times more powerful than Vitamin E. Aloe Vera contains over 200 naturally occurring nutrients such as enzymes, amino acids and sterols.