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Online Buy Wholesale fruit blackberry

     Five-petaled Blackberry flowers are white to pinkish in color, about an inch across and deliciously fragrant when blooming in the spring. Blackberry fruits are actually not a berry at all, but are known as an aggregate fruit, which is a cluster of small drupes, each with their own seed.The smooth skin of Blackberry fruits is delicate, and will burst with dark purple juices at the slightest provocation. Blackberry fruits are delightful by the freshly-picked handful and are also delicious in pies and preserves. The Blackberry leaves are sharply toothed, with three to seven distinct leaflets to each leaf. Blackberry fruits are packed so full of antioxidants it's amazing they can keep it all inside.Not only are they low in calories and fat, Blackberry fruits are also rich in dietary fiber and are a good source of vitamin C, vitamin E, vitamin K, folic acid, and manganese. They also contain protein and essential omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. Blackberry's deep purple coloring belies the anthocyanins literally bursting from them. The antioxidants in Blackberry fruits include the polyphenols ellagic acid, tannins, ellagitannins, quercetin, gallic acid, anthocyanins, and cyanidins. The high tannin content gives Blackberry astringent properties, which may be helpful for maintaining tightness of tissues. The vast amounts of antioxidants from Blackberry may help the body against free radicals. The ellagic acid in Blackberry fruits may be helpful for maintaining skin health.