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Significant Benefits Of Pineapples (Ananas) For Skin, Hair, And Health

Benefits Of Pineapple For Skin

Let’s see how we can achieve smooth and shiny skin using pineapples, which are by the way great for getting away with epidermal troubles.

1. Effective Solution For Acne

This exotic flavor is like an elixir for our skin, especially to get rid of stubborn pimples. How? Well, the presence of vitamin C (thus, the tartness) in pineapples enables this fruit to be used, internally as well as externally, as a cure for acne and other inflammatory skin conditions (1). Also, bromelain, the anti-inflammatory enzyme in this fruit, boosts the healing power of vitamin C (2). So, the next time you fall prey to acne, try using pineapples.

2. Helps Your Skin Look Younger

I consume pineapple thrice a week (depending on the season), and I can proudly state that it has a positive effect on my skin. So, all you lovely ladies who want their skin to be even and supple, include this exotic fruit in your grocery list. Want to know the scientific reason why pineapples make our skin awesome? Well, this fruit gives the collagen synthesis in your body a boost. The higher the collagen synthesis is, the firmer and more flexible your skin will be. Plus, the added nourishment comes from the presence of amino acids and vitamin C, which ensure that the damaged cells and tissues are repaired quickly (3). You can see instant effects after applying freshly prepared pineapple juice on your face and washing it off using tap water after 10 minutes. Do tell me how it worked for you!

3. Natural Exfoliating Agent

In order to exfoliate your skin, you can use freshly crushed pineapple wedges (4). This particular surface has a rough texture that eliminates the dead skin and accentuates blood flow. This, in turn, makes your skin look brighter. Isn’t it just awesome?

4. Get Rid Of Those Cracks On Your Feet

Another of the most common problems that make us depend on those commercial creams. But, pineapple skin is the most inexpensive (well, if we take off the price of pineapple), yet effective method to make them vanish. The exfoliating property of pineapple, along with its collagen synthesizing nature, makes it an excellent natural scrub for your feet. It helps in sloughing off the flaky, calloused skin of the feet, leaving them smooth, soft, and pretty. The inflammation and swelling, triggered by the cracks, also get relieved (5).

5. Softens And Strengthens Nails

Have you thought why your nails look dry and brittle? No? Blame vitamins A and B. The lack of them in the body is the main culprit. You do not need any over-the-counter multivitamin pills to ease this condition, though! Just use pineapple. You can even prepare a nail softening lotion at your home using pineapple juice.