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Jamun Fruit Suppliers

   The most commonly found variety of jamun fruit is often oblong and has a deep purple to bluish colour. The pulp of the fruit is grey to pink in colour, and has a seed in the centre. The other variety which one can find is a seedless variety ranging in colour from purple to white. 70% of the jamun fruit is edible and glucose and furctose are the major sugars found in the ripe fruit. Sucrose is completely absent from the fruit. The fruit is laden with a large number of minerals, and provides fewer calories, as compared to other fruits. The seed of the fruit is also rich in protein and carbohydrates and traces of calcium have also been found. A type having large- sized fruits Jamun is propagated both by seeds as well as vegetatively.  is usually multiplied by seeds.  The fresh seeds can be sown (within 10-15 days) 4-5 cm deep at a distance of 25cm x15 cm.  The seeds germinate in10-15 days after sowing.  The seedlings become ready for transplanting in spring or next monsoon. Seedling plants bear fruits of variable size and quality.