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Tips for hiring home care providers

How you go about hiring home care providers will partially depend on what kind of help you are looking for, as well as your country of residence. For example, hiring someone to handle shopping or yard maintenance is different from someone to provide hands-on or live-in care. However, there are some basic tips to keep in mind. Remember that the more time and homework you spend in the initial hiring process, the better the chances of success.Interview several candidates, in person, before hiring. You could do an initial interview at a public place if you wanted to meet the person first before bringing them to your home. Even if you are working with an agency, it’s important to meet the person who has been matched to make sure it is the right fit.Be specific about the tasks that you need, and be sure that the person you are considering is comfortable with those tasks. Ask open-ended questions to assess the person’s experience and competence with these tasks. If you’re hiring an independent provider, it’s a good idea to make a contract outlining the tasks, payment procedures, and termination procedures.