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Nutrition / Diet Cancer / Oncology Carrots: Health Benefits, Nutritional Information..

Possible health benefits of carrots

An overwhelming body of evidence exists suggesting that increased intake of antioxidant-rich fruits and vegetables reduce cancer and cardiovascular disease risks, carrots included.
Photograph of carrots
Carrots are rich in vitamin A.


A variety of dietary carotenoids have been shown to have anti-cancer effects due to their antioxidant power in reducing free radicals in the body.

Lung Cancer

One study found that current smokers who did not consume carrots had three times the risk of developing lung cancer compared with those who ate carrots more than once a week.2

Colorectal Cancer

Beta-carotene consumption has been shown to have an inverse association with the development of colon cancer in the Japanese population.3


Carrot juice extract was shown to kill leukemia cells and inhibit their progression in a 2011 study.4

Prostate Cancer

Among younger men, diets rich in beta-carotene may play a protective role against prostate cancer, according to a study conducted by the Harvard School of Public Health's Department of Nutrition.5


According to Duke ophthalmologist Jill Koury, MD, vitamin A deficiency causes the outer segments of the eye's photoreceptors to deteriorate, damaging normal vision. Correcting vitamin A deficiencies with foods high in beta-carotene will restore vision.6Studies have shown that it is unlikely that most people will experience any significant positive changes in their vision from eating carrots unless they have an existing vitamin A deficiency, which is common in developing countries.So where did all the hype surrounding carrots and vision come from? During World War II, the British Royal Air Force started an advertising campaign claiming that the secret to their fighter pilots clear, sharp vision was carrots. Realistically, the fighter pilot's accuracy was due to a new radar system the British wanted to keep secret from the Germans, but the rumor spread and remains popular today.

Other possible benefits of carrots

The antioxidants and phytochemicals in carrots may also help with blood sugar regulation, delay the effects of aging, and improve immune function.On the next page, we look at the nutritional breakdown of carrots, how to incorporate more carrots into your diet and precautions to bear in mind.