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Ways to Advertise Your Business Locally

                  There are a few ways you can promote your business. You don’t have to take out a full page colour ad in your local paper to let potential clients and customers know that you are open for business. With some savvy marketing, you can put yourself firmly on your local business map, without paying a penny. Here are 10 simple ideas for promoting your freelance services or small business for free in your local area. Whether you’re targeting local or global customers, your website should clearly explain what you do, be easy to find and navigate, and be attractive. An article in suggests that you should look at the following things when building or rebuilding your website:How goal-focused it is,The quality of your content, How easy your website is to use by its intended target audiences, How well it projects and communicates your brand identity, How search engine optimised (SEO) it is, Social media channel usage and integration, Mobile internet users. It’s important to add a blog to your website because it increases your chances of being noticed, and helps with your SEO as you can use your keywords and phrases in your blog posts. Websites get crawled quite regularly so it’s always important to have new, quality content. It’s important to keep in touch with your local newspaper and submit press releases which have the potential opportunity to get you in print for free. These could be about anything from taking on new staff to winning a new client – it doesn’t have to be big news, just something to let local businesses know you are there. This method is fast, effective, immediate and easy to design. You can also track and understand exactly how your email marketing software is growing your business and see how individual customers respond so you can increase sales over time.One idea is to make individual video interviews on local news-makers in your niche using Skype. Once you’ve recorded the video, to maximise its benefit: Post it on YouTube, Embed the YouTube code on your website, Transcribe the video with a cheap tool, Post the transcribed content on your blog for search engines to find.Or you could host an online seminar and share it on your website and via social media networks – a perfect opportunity to gain exposure.
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