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Tasty and Cheap Recipes

          It's no secret that eating on a budget often ends up in eating a lot of processed food. Fruits and vegetables, especially if they're organic, are more expensive than most food you'll find in a bag. Eating on a budget doesn't have to leave you confined to mostly processed food, however. Nor does it have to be a chore. If you stick to a few "commandments" of budget eating, you can build a foundation from which eating well and cheaply will follow easily. Planning in advance, to avoid impulse buys but also to maximize your ingredients, is the first rule by which to live. Other commandments include buying in bulk, using ingredients you can stretch. Updated regularly, Budget Bytes is a blog run by a dedicated foodie on a strict budget. Beth, the owner of the blog, personally tests all recipes posted on the blog and includes detailed written and pictorial instructions to assist even the most novice chef. Her recipes include a wide range of vegetarian selections, as well as meat-happy ones!With a blunt title, Poor Girl Eats Well is exactly what it sounds like. The blog is updated often and has a huge selection of recipes. As a bonus, they also boast helpful grocery shopping lists to help you stick to your budget. Run by two cousins with a passion for good food, Healthy Tasty Cheap is a blog that is just what the name suggests. The cousins live on budgets themselves, which makes the prices more appropriate for frugal chefs. Although updates are not as frequent anymore, the archives of the blog offer great recipes with a range of tastes.