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Articles about Job Hunting

This section includes articles to help students make the transition from college to the professional world. The articles about job hunting provide tips on how to find and secure your perfect job, interview strategies and resume tips. There is also information on how to manage a job while you're still in college as well as networking ideas.
Building Your Resume: Resume Tips for College Students Whether you're getting ready to graduate and go into the workforce or just hunting for that perfect college job, having a polished resume is an essential part of getting your foot in the door. Read on to learn how to build an eye-catching and...
Career Planning for Students: Workplace Love Life College romance is a given, but getting all lovey-dovey in the office is often against company policy. Here's how to deal.
Choosing an Offer: Tips for Making the Best Choice Choosing a job offer can be a momentous event in a college student's life. Researching prospective employers, reflecting on your priorities and reviewing your options can help you choose the best career path.