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Advertise your job

               We began using  when it was initially launched. At the time this was a big gamble as job boards and on-line advertising were something of an unknown quantity. It was certainly a gamble that paid off as we have now, continuously used the site for some 17 years. The site itself is easy to navigate and offers the best and most user-friendly search facility of all the job boards we use. The site attracts a range of quality candidates and our advertising response, together with the database search facility have resulted in a consistently high number of placements. Additionally, customer service is excellent and all of our account managers over the years have gone the extra mile to offer us a value added service. Through their outstanding quality of candidates  the continual development of their website to ensure an ever-improving visitor experience and their eye-catching outdoor advertisements directing more candidates to the website, We provide out standing  genuine value for money - something which is very rare on the market. We've been advertising on for a number of years now and have seen a continuing increase in placements and applications, in no small part due to the quality and reliability of We offering.