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Powerful Advantages of Eating Lettuce

1. Low Calorie Content and Almost Zero Fat.Lettuce has only 12 calories for one shredded cup.
This is why it is so good for weight loss.
2. Helps Weight LossLettuce contains fiber and cellulose. Besides filling you up, fiber improves your digestion. Improving your digestion may not sound like a good thing for losing weight, but it is actually essential for long term weight control.Fiber also helps remove bile salts from the body. When the body replaces these salts it breaks down cholesterol to do so. This is why lettuce is also good for your heart! (See next point.)Lettuce has been called “the perfect weight loss food” and “rabbit food,” but it is so much more. With amazing healing benefits and calories comprised of 20 percent protein, it could be called “gorilla food” instead!Discover all the benefits and history of this amazing Powerfood, and a few dietary concerns.Suggestion: Choose romaine lettuce if you can instead of iceberg. Romaine has one of the highest nutritional values in the lettuce category. Iceberg lettuce, on the other hand, has the lowest nutrition.