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Specialised Lady ayurvedic doctors

Ayurveda is the science of healing and rejuvenation. Its scope is beyond the physical existence of life. So, from the perspective of industry, it is a small, minute part of Ayurveda. In 2013-14, the income of the Ayurveda industry was only Rs 9,000 crore -- that is, people bought Rs 9,000 crore worth of Ayurveda products. But if you add extracts, drugs, cosmetics and health-related herbal products, it may go up further. But as such classical Ayurveda is shrinking. Not because people don’t want it but because it is not properly placed in the public mind. Also because there are few carriers for this system who are able to carry this heavy science in a contemporary mode. Anyone who is working in the area of Ayurveda knows it is a science of the 21st century and beyond, is not at all an ancient system because the science is universal, and it has got a great outlook which comprises all time to come. It is written in such a way that it is applicable to any given time and any given geography. Ayurveda is a branch of medicine which originated and is practiced in India for more than 5000 years. It is as fresh and useful to humans today as it was in the ancient times yet more relevant and applicable in these modern times. Its use provides a holistic approach to our daily lives The Ayurvedic 'dincharya' or daily schedule helps to bring about peace and harmony in one's life. Ayurvedic daily life routines are meant to enhance the total health of man, both mental and physical. They are easy to follow and are not liable to cause trauma of any kind to the body or mind. According to ayurvedic lifestyle, one should get 7-8 hours sleep daily. On waking up in the morning, one should drink a glass of warm water which helps in flushing out toxins collected in the body overnight. One should wake up early in the morning and go for a walk   Ayurveda is believed to have originated by a divine source. The Acharyas who developed it had astute clinical observation skills and profound knowledge of the pharmacodynamics of close to 20,000 species of plants. The knowledge and skills were initially discussed in the form of oral tradition by and over time it was passed through the generations in the form written literature. Looking at the current scenario of shortage of public health professionals on one hand and intense demand of community health services on the other it is imperative that the contribution of Ayurveda practitioners is increased in the field of public health. However, the updating of the knowledge of public health issues and concepts will ultimately decide whether they can be successfully integrated into the community health arena or not. This study was conducted to assess the knowledge level of Ayurveda practitioners about public health Issues with the aim find out the competence of Ayurveda practitioners regarding knowledge of public health issues.   Doctors play a diverse set of roles and responsibilities that are delegated according to their experience, interests and natures. Various types of activities help equip them with additional skills to grow further and accelerate their career development. They are encouraged to participate in a wide range of activities such as, ·         Teaching, training and consultation ·         Conducting and organizing Ayurveda camps ·         Research activities ·         Development of case studies ·         Content writing and development ·         Quality audits ·         Administration An ideal Ayurvedic doctor is well aware of our core values that includes,

  • To work towards fulfilling  our vision of providing high-quality and authentic Ayurvedic treatment
  • Caring for the patient like a family member
  • Satisfactorily managing patient's expectations
  • Solving patient's queries and educating them with patience and politeness
  • Being honest about the treatment
  • Showing compassion and empathizing with the patient's problem
  • Maintaining high professional ethics and standards
·         For information about Lady ayurvedic doctors in your area visit to get complete details.