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Home Management, House Maintenance, and Home Repair Services

Whether it's sunny and warm outside or the winter wind is howling, there are likely home maintenance tasks that need to be completed. Taking care of your house and ensuring that your major appliances and system are functioning properly is a full-time job. However, you can make home maintenance a breeze by using this monthly schedule to clean, inspect and update your property.
You're probably bundled up inside during the first month of the year, and luckily, you don't even need to leave the warmth of your home to complete this month's essential task. Check your furnace filter if you haven't already done so this winter, and if you can't see through the built-up dust, replace the filter for less expensive heating bills.
The weather might be starting to warm up a little, but chances are that your windows are still shut tightly to keep the cold out. February is the perfect time to make sure your home is sealed against the chilly winter wind by checking the caulking around your doors and windows. Replace any caulk that's cracked and cover any windows that are overly drafty.
You'll get an extra hour of sunlight when the clocks spring forward during March, so use that extra hour to inspect your home inside and out for damage. There are lots of little ways your home might have suffered during the winter months – frozen pipes, cracked foundations and broken shingles are a few common problems.
You have May flowers to look forward to at the end of this month, but first you'll need to make sure that the seasonal showers don't harm your home. At the beginning of April, be sure to clean out your gutters and downspouts and angle the piping well away from your foundation.
When May rolls around, you've probably turned off the heat and dragged your patio furniture out of storage. Before you clean off the grill for your Memorial day, take a few minutes to replace your air conditioning filters. This small step will ensure that your cooling system is ready to go once the hottest days of summer roll around.

Your task for December is to take a month to relax! If you've kept up with maintenance all year long, you deserve some time to kick back and celebrate the holidays with your family and friends

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