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Top Christmas Gift Ideas to Wow Your Employees

We've all gotta eat. And most of us love to eat something that feels like a real treat, especially at Christmas. Whilst giving staff a nice bottle of whisky or a case of wine can be a little contentious (unless you're absolutely certain about who is or is not teetotal), giving the gift of food can rarely go wrong. Christmas is, for most of us, a family time. Acknowledge the significant people in your employees' lives this festive season by giving a gift which can be shared. How about a gift card for a local restaurant? Or a family theater pass? Flexible-use tickets can be a wonderful surprise, especially for those with young families. Be creative by thinking beyond the individuals in your workplace to see the lives that surround them. If you're on a budget, don't feel pressured into breaking the bank when it comes to giving your employees presents this Christmas. After all, it's the thought that counts. A pair of fun socks or a silly t shirt can serve as the perfect boost for spirits which won't leave your organization counting its pennies in panic come January.

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