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Strawberry Fields supply wholesale strawberries

       Image result for wholesale fresh strawberries      Image result for wholesale fresh strawberries

            Strawberries are great for snacking, dipping, jams, or smoothies!  Additionally, strawberries are loaded with vitamins and antioxidants. Locally grown and freshly harvested for best flavor. FRESH, TASTY, beautiful strawberries are available at Us. You can buy strawberries that we have picked, or you can pick your own. Please bring your own containers if you are going to pick them yourself.  It's really a lot of fun. We also wholesale fresh strawberries to commercial customers - roadside markets, fruit stands, groceries and restaurants.Place whole or cut berries directly into freezer bags or boxes or coat the berries with sugar. You may also like to try freezing whole berries by putting them in a single layer on a cookie sheet for about one hour, and then pack them in bags or boxes. Whole strawberries coated in milk chocolate and then covered with pastel strawberry. These pastel chocolate strawberries are a perfectly sweet, indulgent and chocolaty treat.  These soft freeze-dried strawberries are so healthy and delicious. We do not add any sweeteners or preservatives. Just the natural sweet taste of fresh strawberries.