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Health Benefits of Oregano

Oregano is a wonderful herb, both to use in your cooking and to use therapeutically as needed. Its name means "mountain joy," and oregano was revered as a symbol of happiness by the ancient Greeks and Romans.This is why drawings often depict brides and grooms of the time crowned with a laurel of oregano, which was a widespread tradition.1 Although oregano is popular in Mediterranean cuisine, in the US, it's often associated primarily with a pizza spice.This does this medicinal herb a great disservice, since today we know that oregano contains vitamins A, C, E, and K, as well as fiber, fol-ate, iron, magnesium, vitamin B6, calcium, and potassium. Additionally, oregano, which is sometimes called "wild marjoram" in Europe (and is closely related to the herb sweet marjoram.(2) contains potent phytochemicals that provide potential health benefits.