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Health Benefits of Paneer

History and Origin of PaneerHistory and origin of the paneer tells the history of paneer and how it was originated first time in the ancient period. Around 10,000 of years ago, the existence of paneer was discovered accidentally and started using as a nutritious food. There was an Arabian traveler who saw during his desert journey that, sheep’s stomach milk, placed at a canteen, was turned into the cheese curd after few hours. After scientific researches it was found that milk turned into the cheese curd due to the sun heat and rennin (a coagulation enzyme present in the sheep stomach).For long years, milk and milk products has been most important part of the diet of human. Paneer is also one of the most important milk products, which is used by the human fraternity as a complete proteinecious and healthy food. It is very famous in India by the name Cottage cheese or Chenna which is prepared by the milk at home or factories. It is used for years to make variety of nutritious foods for eating purposes.It has very attractive look of white color and nice taste and very famous amongst all the milk products. It is much liked by various men to eat it raw instead of fried. Paneer is the rich source of calcium, phosphorus, vitamins, minerals and protein which are required by the body in high proportions for healthy growth and development.