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Best Benefits Of Black Salt (Kala Namak) For Skin, Hair And Health

Ever tried putting a pinch of black salt under your tongue to ward off the feeling of nausea? Or used it as a additive in your child’s honey-medicine dose? Be it a salad or pasta, adding black salt to a dish enhances its taste and flavor. But did you know that there are many less known benefits and uses of black salt? This healthier cousin of table salt is full of additional nutrients and minerals, thus making it an important part of our kitchen shelf.Indian black salt, extensively referred to as kala namak, is a variety of Indian volcanic stone salt. It is popular in India, Pakistan, and nations all across the world because of its twisted taste and easy availability. This special variety of salt has its origin in the Himalayan ranges and is used in Indian dishes for cooking and garnishing.Due to the presence of iron and other minerals, the salt is pinkish gray in color. It contains a unique sulfurous component that is frequently compared to boiled egg yolks and is super healthy.