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9 Health Benefits of Water Spinach

9 Health Benefits of Water Spinach – Swamp Cabbage or water spinach is a healthy vegetable that is known all over the world. Water spinach usually growth in the tropics, and subtropics. This vegetable planting medium is an aqueous or moist soil. Different regions also have the different name for this plant. For example in Indonesia and Vietnam called “Kangkung”, Kangkong (Thailand), Kankun, Water spinach (UK), Weng Cai (China), Water morning glory, River spinach, Water Convolvulus, Swamp cabbage, Chinese spinach and others.Water spinach usually cooked as delicious and spicy foods, these foods often found in various restaurants in Indonesia, Malaysia and even Vietnam. Water spinach which that has the Latin name Ipomoea Aquatica is very easily to cultivated, so the price is very cheap in market. Water spinach vegetables include the choice foods for many people, in addition to its delicious taste, it also contains many nutrients that need by the body.
