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Christmas Gifts for the Whole Family

           Some of the best Christmases I can remember were centered around a big gift that my parents got for the whole family. A new TV was always a welcome addition to our living room,  but the family gifts didn’t always have to be material. Some years, the gift was the gift of togetherness, when my parents surprised us all with plans for a big family road trip. It might sound cheesy, but making memories together as a family is much more enjoyable in the long run than a new toy or a new gadget. And of course, giving a “whole family” gift is a great way to ensure you’ll spend quality time with the people you love the most. One big family gift can also be an economical way to add that “wow factor” to Christmas morning, even on a tight holiday budget. Here are some great family gift ideas for Christmas 2017. Whether you’re looking for something to share with your immediate family, or a bigger gift that your extended family can also enjoy, this gift guide is packed with creative gift ideas that will make your whole clan very happy.

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