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The advantages of Government Ayurvedic hospitals

Hospitals are part of any healthcare structure. When maximum professional care is required and there is an emergency anticipated at any given time, hospitalization is advisabe. The modern hospitals are designed for modern medical delivery. Many of these structures are not fit for Ayurvedic hospitals. The Ayurvedic hospital should have its own identity in tune with its healing mechanisms. Some of the most important components of an ideal Ayurvedic hospital are the following : 2.       Around hundred fresh medicinal plants in adequate quantity should be available in an Ayurvedic hospital. This will help a vaidya to make all kinds of fresh preparations for emergency management. It is found that if preparations are made at in-house facilities and used immediately their effects are better. So a herbal garden with the listed plants is an important component for an Ayurvedic hospital ,Second important aspect for an Ayurvedic hospital is a live animal house where animal materials needed for immediate use can be made available in house. Organically fed and looked after cows, buffaloes and goats, etc. and civet cats products of which are needed to meet any  acute conditions. At present there is no single agency which collect these items and supply to Ayurvedic hospitals. 3.       Ayurvedic hospital also should have facilities to do yoga prayer and pranayama, etc in a calm and quite place which are all actually the satwavajaya treatments. 4.       The Ayurvedic hospital should be supported by a very well informed ayurvedic dietician who will be able to design pathya food to the patients as per advice of the treating doctors. 5.       Ayurvedic hospital should be well ventilated and should be ideally constructed in half circles, U-shaped or in L-shaped from with extending varanda, connecting all the rooms of that floor. This is specially required because most of the patients require treatment for more than a month. And a month in isolation will be great distress and if there are open forum for patients to interact and see each other once they come out of the room that will be a great relaxation for them. 6.       An ideal Ayurvedic hospital should have prayer hall or a temple where people of all religion or no religion can go and sit for some time. 7.       The Pharmacy where the medicines are prepared should have the facilities to intake fresh juice, make Choornam used for grinding, etc. 8.       Ayurvedic hospitals are to be constructed in such a way to give the inmates a feeling of living with the nature. One should avoid to the extent possible artificial environment and support systems. 9.       The patients should be well informed about the methods of treatments, their implications needs, etc. This will help the patients to prepare themselves for the odds. They will be undergoing in the process. Many of the simple aspects of treatments in Ayurveda like application of Rasnadi choornam on head and rubbing it for few seconds are things which are odd to newly introduced persons. Even restrictions on watching TV,   walking outside or not taking bath in cold water all will not find meaning unless these are explained to them. 10.    When a patient is admitted for treatment in Ayurvedic hospital, it is better to give a small introductory note with all the explanation in simple language so that they will understand the need of each components of treatment. If you are looking for Government ayurvedic hospitals you can visit  for complete information about Government ayurvedic hospitals in your city.