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  You might be surprised to know that Travel & Tourism is the world's largest foreign exchange earner among industries and it generates millions of employment opportunities worldwide; more than any other industry. Travel and tourism is a very wide industry and it includes Govt. tourism departments, immigration and custom services, travel agencies, airlines, tour operators, hotels, etc and many associated services such as airline catering & laundry services, guides, interpreters, tourism promotion and sales etc. 

The increasing world-wide interest in travel & tourism and Government's encouragement and support to its activities has led IGIA to play a recognisable role for a no. of undergraduate students in tapping this opportunity and make a bright career out of fun. We invite people with drive and a capacity for hard work who think they are made for this profession.
The Internet has helped transform the travel industry. It helps educate the consumer by providing vast amounts of information about destinations and different travel options. Both consumers and travel professionals have benefited from the Internet, which makes the possibility of travel to exotic places more imaginable. It has helped consumers see in full color and, in some cases, real time, where they would like to visit. The Internet gives travelers the ability to do comparative shopping for attractive deals or packages. It also has helped many travel agencies, hotels, resorts and other travel-related suppliers flourish by bringing in business through Web sites. 

The Internet has become such an integral part of the travel agency business that 98 percent of agencies currently subscribe to an Internet access provider in order to help them better serve their clients. Gathering information increasingly involves the use of the Internet. Almost 95 percent of agents have conducted online research. 
There are some things technology cannot replicate, and personal touch is one of them. The Internet is a valuable resource, but it cannot replace the expertise, guidance and personal service of a travel agent. At a time when travelers are stressed out with hectic schedules, travel agents have all of the information at their fingertips, saving valuable hours of surfing on the Web. Agents also can offer insider tips generally based on personal experience.  The leisure travel industry has changed from being an option of the upper class to one open to all segments of society - in fact, travel has become an everyday part of life whether for a meeting across the country or a last minute trip to a nearby city. Over time it has become price driven. Many people today base a large part of their travel buying decisions on cost and convenience of travel. People are booking closer in to their travel dates. Thanks to dramatic discounting across the industry, consumers have been conditioned to wait until the last minute before booking in hopes of securing a deeply discounted package deal.  So if you are looking to book air tickets visit to get detail information about flights and ticket booking.