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The Beginner’s Guide to Loose Leaf Tea.

Why Choose Loose Leaf Tea?
Many people drink the tea that’s available in grocery and convenience stores without knowing that these teabags are manufactured in large batches. The teabags can sit on store shelves for months at a time, growing stale and losing flavor in the process.With loose leaf tea, the tea is out of the bag. This means you can make sure you’re getting fresh tea that tastes great. This is one of the main reasons people choose loose leaf tea. However, loose leaf tea is also made with the best ingredients — bagged teas often include stems and seeds that can make the tea taste bitter. When you buy loose leaf tea, you can avoid these low quality ingredients and ensure you have only the finest quality leaves and other ingredients.You can also save money when buying loose leaf, which is equally as important as tasting great. While it may cost more initially, loose leaf tea allows you to re-steep the tea several times. You don’t have to worry about sacrificing money for quality.And as if those weren’t reasons enough to switch to loose leaf tea, the environmental benefits are the cherry on top. With loose leaf tea, you can get rid of the extra packaging associated with teabags and it’s an easy way to reduce your carbon footprint. Less waste and more flavor, what could be better?
Types of Loose Tea
Now that you know the benefits, you may be wondering how to choose between the types of loose tea. Black, green, herbal and oolong all have their differences that make them difficult to navigate. And different types of tea not only have unique flavors and tastes, but they also have different health benefits.Think of this as your guide to buying loose leaf tea – a quick overview of some of the major tea varieties to get you started:Black TeaYou might choose a black loose leaf tea when you’re looking for a little caffeinated pick-me-up in the morning. Choose something like the Fresh Start Breakfast or Good Day Sunshine to get your day started off right. It’s a great alternative to coffee in the AM.Black Tea offers more than a caffeine jolt, though. If you’re prone to upset stomachs, keep something like this Tummy Tamer on hand to soothe your stomach and digestive system. It’s great to sip on after a meal!Green TeaGreen Tea is one of the most popular types of tea worldwide, in large part due to its popularity in Asia. There’s a range of flavor and color in green teas — whether it’s Chinese green tea which is yellowish in color and has a toasted taste, or Japanese green tea that has a darker green color and a more grassy taste.Green tea tastes great when paired with fruit flavors and spices. If you’re looking for something sweet, you can try Healthy Passion or Apricot Goodness for a refreshing fruity flavor. And the benefits of green tea go beyond just enjoying the taste of a cup. Green tea can aid in weight loss by boosting metabolism, and its antioxidants can help prevent certain types of cancer. So get drinking!White TeaWhite tea is one of the lightest and most subtle of all tea varieties. It has very little caffeine and doesn’t have the strong flavors you may associate with black and green teas. If the idea of a more subtle flavor appeals to you, try brewing a cup of Masterpiece White. It offers a light and refreshing taste at any time of the day.Oolong TeaOolong is a Chinese variety of tea. Similar to green tea, oolong has a full-bodied and sweet flavor. Oolong also features antioxidants that aid in weight loss, improve mental clarity, and reduce risk of cancer and heart disease. A tea like Brew Away the Blues not only tastes great, but it’s also an all-natural pick-me-up.Rooibos TeaIf you’re looking for a sweet alternative, try a rooibos tea originating in South Africa. Unlike other types of tea, rooibos is completely caffeine-free — it’s made from the red bush plant instead of the Camellia sinensis plant like other teas. If you’re looking for a hot alternative to juice or another sweet beverage, rooibos might be the best fit for you. Try a cup of rooibos as an afternoon treat or with dessert.Chai TeaChai teas are popular in India and are dark and full of flavor. In addition to tea leaves, chai tea also includes other aromatic herbs and spices, such as cardamom and cloves that lead to a spicy full-bodied tea experience. A chai tea typically comes in the form of a caffeinated black tea blend. So if you’re looking for something that will give you an energy kick, try brewing a cup of Winter Holiday.If you’re looking for varieties without caffeine, chai tea has several options. There are also rooibos alternatives, such as Sweet & Spicy, that will give you the strong, spicy flavor of a chai tea but won’t keep you up at night. What makes chai tea so great is its versatility for different tea drinkers at different times of the day.Herbal TisanesLike rooibos tea, herbal teas are not made from tea leaves. Instead, they’re made from dried fruits, herbs, and flowers. There’s a large range of herbal tea flavors, including mint, fruit, and cinnamon. Each flavor has unique health benefits.A chamomile or mint tea can be very soothing during times of stress. Try teas like Calm Alert or Tranquility, made with peppermint and chamomile to soothe your senses. You’ll be feeling more relaxed in no time. Fighting off a cold? Peppermint herbal teas can help with that, too. Peppermint can help clear the sinuses and work as a nasal decongestant, while soothing the throat at the same time. It can also help decrease stomach bloating and gas. Brew a cup of Serenity and you’ll be feeling better in no time.To know details go to our site