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Why is Pet Health Care So Expensive?

These advanced procedures are extremely helpful when diagnosing or treating a pet, but the cost of the materials and equipment used in these procedures is very high. The cost of these procedures for humans is also high, and to expect it to be any different in veterinary medicine is unrealistic.. Another reason for the increase in pet health care costs is the growing use of veterinary specialists. Such specialists spend an extra 3 to 5 years (after graduating from veterinary school) in a rigorous education and training program to become board certified in their field of study. This extra 3 to 5 years is known as a residency program. The concept of board certified specialists in veterinary medicine is the same concept as a residency program and board certification in human medicine. Areas of specialty include cardiology, dentistry, neurology, surgery, ophthalmology,oncology, anesthesiology, and radiology. You would expect to pay more for a specialist in human medicine; there is no reason to expect that to be different in veterinary medicine. Some attribute the increase in pet health care costs to greed. However, take some time to look up the average income for a veterinarian using the Bureau of Labor and Statistics website and Then compare this number to the average annual salary of a human physicians practicing primary care and to the average income for the nation. The average income for a veterinarian is not as much as most people think.To know more details visit our site