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How Subway Surveillance Increases Commuter Safety

    Subway-Surveillance-Blog-Image.jpgWith thousands of commuters every day, Washington, D.C. metro police had a difficult challenge - monitor and secure the stops, and subway cars, on the city's public transportation system.So the department recently invested in several security upgrades including a new Security Operations Control Center where they can monitor video surveillance cameras, radio communications, security alarms, fire alarms, and chemical detection systems all in one location.The difference having a centralized security headquarters made as evident almost immediately. Chief Ron Pavlik says that in 2015 alone they've made "over 500 adult arrests, over 200 cases are closed, and over 100 cases were unfounded." During that time they had over 6,200 requests for video.Watching security video in real time helps you spot suspicious activity as it happens, increasing response time and decreasing crimes and other activity. Surveillance cameras also increase the effectiveness of security forces - instead of being limited by what they can see around them, the person monitoring cameras can watch multiple feeds at once and direct security to the areas that need it.Read more from WTOP. If you are a security director and want to learn more about how video surveillance can help you, contact our experts today.     School safety continues to be a top concern, and a video surveillance system can be an important part of a school's security system. Video surveillance systems help you monitor activities around campus and spot trouble as it is happening.The most common use of a school video surveillance system is to increase student and staff safety. Prominently placed cameras warn students and staff that they may be monitored, which can deter bad behavior.Cameras can also catch thieves, vandals, and bullies in the act, allowing the school and police to positively identify all parties involved and see exactly what happened.Video surveillance systems are also useful tools when creating your visitor management system. Cameras can be placed at all building entrances to alert office staff when a visitor arrives.You may also want to use the cameras to monitor all visitors to ensure they check in with the office, register at the front desk, follow school rules about contact with students while in the building, and leave once their visit is complete.One of the largest benefits of modern IP video surveillance systems is the ease of camera monitoring - your systems is accessible through live monitoring by security officers at your school, along with remote and mobile viewing even when you're not on site!Learn more about the benefits of school video surveillance, or check out our case study on Thomasville City Schools and Mississippi State University. The convenience of a wireless system is tempting when you are purchasing a video surveillance system -you have more flexibility in where you install cameras, and can limit the number of cables you need to run by connecting to the cameras using wifi internet. But do you know how this technology works, and what situations it is best suited for?When it comes to wireless surveillance systems, you are really talking about two different types of technology: wifi cameras, and point-to-point wireless linking.Wifi CamerasAll-in-one wifi cameras are popular with homeowners and small businesses. These cameras are small, affordable, and easy to use. They should only be used in small systems though, because having too many wifi cameras on one network could overwhelm your bandwidth.These cameras will have basic features, so if you need a specific feature or advanced functionality your options will be limited. It should also be noted that very few cameras are battery operated - even a wifi camera still needs to be plugged in to get power.Point-to-point WirelessIf you need to install multiple cameras over a large area, and require specific or advanced features, a wireless point-to-point system is a much better option. This type of system allows you to turn an IP system into a wireless system by linking cameras with wireless antennas. So if you are looking to buy CCTV cameras and security systems visit to get information about CCTV cameras available stores in your city.