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How To Repair the Damage Wood Furniture

A mixture of ground pumice stone with a few drops of vegetable or linseed oil will correct rubbing alcohol damage to wood furniture if the alcohol only damaged the finish. Mix the the pumice stone and oil in a bowl until it makes a paste. Put the paste on the damaged area and gently scrub the area with 0000 aught steel wool. Wipe away the excess paste with a clean, damp cloth; then polish the furniture with a high-quality polish or furniture wax. If the rubbing alcohol has damaged the wood itself, the damaged area will require refinishing.

Secure the lid of the rubbing alcohol bottle to prevent spillage in the event the bottle is tipped over. Keep your furniture polished and dust free by using a high-quality furniture cleaner and polisher on a regular basis. This will protect the furniture's surface in the event you spill rubbing alcohol on it. Avoid placing wood furniture in direct