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Prep Your System for a Maintenance Visit.

Reassess Your Backyard Landscaping
Most air conditioners include two important parts — the indoor unit and the outdoor unit. Your outdoor unit is susceptible to the elements and overgrown grass and shrubs.To prepare for HVAC system maintenance, cut tall grass and trim back shrubs and flowers to leave two to three feet of clearance around the unit. Maintain five feet of clearance for trees and if trees grow above your air conditioner, be sure to check regularly for fallen branches and leaves on the unit itself. If you are planning new landscaping, consider smaller plants and shrubs or trees that don’t shed their leaves.
Clear a Path Toward the Indoor Unit
In addition to pruning and trimming landscaping around your outdoor unit, you’ll want to clear a path toward your indoor unit.Additionally, don’t store anything within a three-foot radius of the indoor unit. Never stack items on top of the unit and don’t store chemicals, cleaning products, or paint supplies near your air conditioner. Not only can these materials block the air supply and compromise your system’s efficiency, but they can also cause volatile organic chemicals (VOCs} to circulate through your home.To know more visit our site