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Rules You Should Follow When You Rent Furnished house

Whether they’re relocating to a new city for a job or they’re just in town for a few weeks or months for work, your corporate tenants can have a much better experience when they rent furnished apartments from you than if they stay in an extended stay or try to sign a traditional lease on an unfurnished property. If you rent furnished apartments to corporate renters, though, you should keep a few handy rules in mind that will make life easier and more pleasant for everyone. First of all, when you furnish and decorate the property, do not over-plug your power outlets, and don’t stretch extension cords across the entire house or apartment. Basically, if you need to use an extension cord or power strip, be sure that it’s the right type for your wall socket, that it’s grounded, and that you aren’t plugging in multiple extension cords and power strips to a single socket. If you overload the outlet or use the wrong kind of cord, you could cause a fire hazard. If you have a washer and dryer in your temporary lodgings, be sure to encourage your tenants to clean out the lint trap on the dryer every time they use it. This isn’t just a handy place to get rid of the excess lint in your clothing as it dries – it’s also a vent for the dryer. If your lint trap becomes too clogged, hot air won’t be able to vent out of the dryer, causing another fire hazard. Paper towels, feminine products, and other items should not be flushed down the toilet. Flushing things that shouldn’t be flushed can cause a backup or problems with the septic tank, so if you want to avoid receiving an embarrassing call from your tenant and some potentially expensive plumbing bills (that you’ll have to negotiate with your tenant), make sure that they know this rule for your temporary lodgings. When you rent furnished apartments, accidents do happen, and furnishings do sometimes get damaged. Verify with your tenants that all of the furniture and appliances in the property are in good working order, and note any aesthetic damage. This will avoid problems when your tenant moves out if there’s new damage to some of your property and they deny responsibility Pay attention to the weather reports as fall turns to winter, and be sure to drip all faucets in the house or apartment whenever you expect a freeze. Most rental agreements stipulate that the tenant is responsible for damage to pipes in a freeze if they do not take proper precautions. You can avoid some potentially costly repairs and annoying negotiations by reminding your tenants to leave the faucets dripping when it gets cold. Since the coils are out of sight most of the time, you usually won’t think about vacuuming them, but if your refrigerator coils collect enough dust and debris, your refrigerator won’t work as well, may malfunction, and may even become a fire hazard. You really can’t expect your tenants to remember to do this for you, so just spend a little bit of time vacuuming your refrigerator coils whenever you’re between tenants. This will keep your fridge working great, and it’ll help you remember to do this otherwise easily forgettable chore. harmful chemicals when they rent furnished apartments from you, but if you’re upfront about chemical storage, you can avoid a lot of problems. Make sure that cleaners are kept away from kids and pets (if you allow pets) and that harsh chemicals are not kept inside the property at all. If you make sure this is clear, you won’t be liable if your tenant breaks your rental agreement and causes a problem or hazard. Finally, don’t make it obvious to the neighbors that you’re using the property for temporary lodgings. One of the things that corporate renters look for when they rent furnished apartments is a normal neighborhood with normal neighbors. If you keep your apartment or house well maintained, and you don’t put a “For Rent – Short Term!” sign out front, most people won’t notice that you have different tenants every few weeks or months, and they will feel safer and more secure in their community. Basically, when you rent furnished apartments to corporate renters, be sure that you take good care of your properties and take all possible precautions against accidents. While some damage is inevitable, you can avoid a lot of major problems just by following these tips. So if you are looking to get a furnished house for rent visit to get detail information about rented furnished house.