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See The World While Working in a Furnished Rental

A furnished rental is an excellent option for short term, and even long term, living solutions. A furnished rental can act as a home away from home while traveling or working out-of-state. Whether you are a consultant working on a project away from home, a travel nurse who never settles, or someone who craves the nomadic lifestyle, anyone can see the world without taking a vacation by working from their home away from home in a furnished rental.       We’ve put together a few actionable tips to keep you productive while working on the road.   Working from home in a furnished rental has its luxuries, including a later start time (thank you, no commute!), a kitchen full of your favorite snacks, peace & quiet, and even a private bathroom. But working from home in a furnished rental does have its drawbacks: with a lack of accountability from your coworkers and superiors, it’s easy to become distracted and relax around the house. To combat laziness and to minimize distractions, set a normal schedule similar to your normal, in-office workday schedule. Wake up at the same time and get ready for the day just as you normally would. You’ll get an hour or so head-start on the day, plus it gives you time to run an errand or two during lunch. Setting a normal schedule will prevent you from procrastinating with chores.   Overtly named, furnished rentals come with everything you can expect to find back home, including a desk or dedicated workspace. Setting up a home office in a furnished rental is as easy as opening your laptop! Everything you can expect from your home and office can be found inside your furnished rental.   When setting up a home office in a furnished rental, make sure you separate the bedroom from the workspace. Upwards of 50% of workers read emails in bed, and those numbers rise drastically to 80% with younger workers. Charles Czeisler, a professor at Harvard Medical School, says it’s a serious issue and can have a lasting, negative impact on your sleep health. It’s not uncommon that we at HomeSuite run into the traveling types, and we cherish every moment when we help our friends on the road find the next place to call home. Unable to find convenient and cost-effective temporary housing, traveling graphic designers Daniel and Jihee of Future Minimalists first booked with us in March. After an exhaustive search across several rental platforms, Daniel discovered HomeSuite.  Immediately after submitting an inquiry, he was connected to one of our territory experts, who then found a place in Nob Hill for Daniel and his family to call home. He was able to continue his nomadic quest as a roving designer. Read more about Daniel’s experience on his blog. If you’re sick of the same old office and your job allows you to work from home, why not travel the country and see new and exciting cities without even taking time off? In this increasingly interconnected economy, more and more people are working from home, so come discover why furnished rentals are the workspace of the future! So if you are looking to get a furnished house for bachelors visit to get complete information about furnished apartment for bachelors.