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    When there is a sea full of a variety of fishes, it is important to catch the right fish – similarly when you wish to start an ecommerce business, it is important to choose the right ecommerce web solutions provider and right development platform, considering how it will fit in your current and future business model. There are basically two types of ecommerce platforms – hosted and self-hosted (open source). Hence, we have included both the types in the list below to make the choice easier.   You have set up your online store nicely. You are promoting it very well on social media and in other ways. Your website is getting a good number of visitors. But even after all these good things, you are worried about something and that is your SALES. Although putting in your so much, you are not getting conversations. Which part did you miss? Let’s try to get it right: Product photographs You want shoppers to trust and buy your products but at the same time, you don’t want to invest much time and money in it! This should not be the case because how you portray your product directly influences the customer to make a purchase. High quality photographs and multiple views of the products are a must. You can also display your product in use so that a shopper can understand how it could be used. On watching it, there are chances that the customer gets more confident about purchasing it from you.   Apart from this, 360 degree photography is also in trend! Photographs taken with this technique would give the customer a clear look and feel of the product. You can also get creative with it by choosing a unique different background. For example, while photographing a pair of earrings, you can hang it on a tree branch. It’s all about description Along with your product’s photography, also spice it up with juicy product description. Help your customers know everything about the product because while selling, you need to understand that in a physical store, he/she can have an entire look and feel but not in case of an online store. If you are available for most of the time when customers visit your ecommerce website, think about an online chat function. The online chat window with the message ‘How can I help you?’ pops up when somebody comes to the site. Also, the links to contact page should be visible and clear. Make sure that you reply to almost all the queries and messages to your inbox. If you would reply instantly to the doubts, then the chances are high that the customers place their order straight away. So if you are looking to hire an e commerce development and service providing company visit to get complete information.