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Automotive Sector: Driving your future growth!

Google, Ford Motor, Volvo Cars, and ride-sharing services Uber and Lyft have formed a coalition to help speed up self-driving cars to the market. The Self-Driving Coalition for Safer Streets says that it will work with policymakers, regulators and the public to realise the safety benefits of self-driving cars. The latter are considered safer and could become ubiquitous in the near future. That would be a huge boon to the public. According to the National Crime Records Bureau in India, road accidents claimed more than 16 lives every hour on an average in 2014. But safety is only one aspect of the issue. Driverless cars are already driving massive disruptions in the automobile industry. With tech companies such as Google and even Apple getting into the car manufacturing game, the automobile industry as we know it may cease to exist. Take for example Tesla, which is focussed on manufacturing electric cars. Its sister company SpaceX makes space rockets. All of these changes portend three stages that will completely transform the way people get around. First, taxi-hailing and ride-sharing services are already challenging the need for private cars – a trend which is likely to become increasingly prominent. Second, electric cars are slated to become progressively affordable, faster and more practical. This will also have the added benefit of drastically reducing air pollution. And third, driverless cars will make driving obsolete much like smartphones have replaced traditional cameras. Of course, before one can actually order a ride on a driverless car through a smartphone cities themselves have to become smart. Which brings us back to India and its potholed roads that are a challenge even for the best of drivers. Satellites may guide driverless cars, but what should one do if bovine livestock decide to block the highway? In that sense, can Google cars really compete with India’s bullock carts?
  The automotive sector, comprising of the automobile and auto component sub sectors, is one of the key segments of the economy having extensive forward and backward linkages with other key segments of the economyThe automobile and automotive parts & components manufacturers constitute a major chunk of automotive industry throughout the world. United States, Japan, China, Germany and South Korea are the top five automobile manufacturing nations throughout the world. The United States of America is the world’s largest producer and consumer of motor vehicles and automobiles accounting for 6.6 million direct and spin-off jobs and represents nearly 10% of the $10 trillion US economy.


Indian Automotive is one of the largest industries showing impressive growth over the years and has been significantly making increasing contribution to overall industrial development in the country. India is a key pillar in global automotive market wherein its policies, actions and strategies have a fundamental impact on the global auto landscape. Today India is the seventh largest vehicle manufacturer, second largest two wheeler manufacturer and the fifth largest commercial vehicle manufacturer in the world.
During 2010-11, the Indian automotive industry registered a total turnover of USD 73 billion, with exports worth USD 11 billion. Of this, the turnover by the auto component sector stood at USD 30 billion, with exports valued at USD 5 billion.TENDERING OPPORTUNITIES IN THE AUTOMOTIVE SECTOR: Indian Automotive Industry offers huge growth potential in terms of sales volume and also immense tendering opportunities.Automobile vehicle spare part and repair tenders are the most common of all kinds of automobile tenders. As the auto components industry is also growing simultaneously you will also find numerous these automobile tenders. At present there are more than 500 firms in organized sector that are into the production of auto components in India. So if you are looking to get detail information about automobile sectors visit to get complete information.