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Nutritious foods can be expensive, but dietitians say there are ways to go healthy without going broke

Save on unhealthy extras. You can save money by avoiding chips, soda and prepackaged baked goods.

Look for cheaper proteins.
Beans, lentils and eggs all are nutritious alternatives to meat.

 Know your top 10. Make a list of the healthy foods you buy the most and comparison shop at local groceries, health food shops and warehouse stores. Aim to stock up on those staples at the lowest prices.

Buy produce in season. It will be much cheaper; remember that farmers markets often have great deals.

Go beyond fresh.
Canned, frozen and dried foods — fruits, vegetables and meats — are healthy but often less pricey alternatives to fresh foods, especially if you buy generic versions. Just watch sugar and salt content.

Think in bulk.
Buy big packages of meat and divide them into meal-size portions for freezing, and store whole-grain rice and cereal in airtight containers. You also can cook large amounts of meals such as stew and freeze smaller portions for easy preparation.

Plant a garden.
Grow your favorite fruits and vegetables right in your backyard.

Take the long view.
A bag of apples may be more expensive than a bag of cookies, but consider this: you're not likely to eat more than one apple in a single sitting. To know details visit our site