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Eating well on the cheap is about more than the cost of food.

The key to saving money on food is to limit unnecessary spending, revise your shopping habits, and focus on healthier choices. But eating well on the cheap is about more than just the cost and quality of food. It's also about the pleasure of eating, which increases when a meal is shared. Whether you prepare meals for the whole family or live alone, you can make inexpensive meals more pleasurable.

  • Shop with others. Getting your kids involved in shopping for groceries and preparing meals is a great opportunity to teach them about different foods, how to read food labels, and balancing a budget. Shopping with a friend can give you a chance to catch up without falling behind on your chores. It’s also a great way to share new meal ideas and save money on discount deals like "buy one, get the second half price." 
  • Make mealtimes a social experience. The simple act of talking to a friend or loved over the dinner table can play a big role in relieving stress and boosting mood. Gather the family together and stay up to date on everyone’s daily lives. If you live alone, invite a friend, coworker, or neighbor over. Everyone who lives alone is in the same boat—so be the one to break the ice.
  • Cook with others. Invite a friend to share shopping and cooking responsibilities—one prepares the entrée, the other dessert, for example. Cooking with others can be a fun way to deepen relationships and splitting the costs can make it cheaper for both of you.To know more visit our site