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Sports management: Need of the hour in India

What however has not evolved exponentially is the expertise to manage these. The Confederation of Indian Industry (CII), organized a "Sport Management Capacity Building Session" in association with the Australian Trade Commission and Deakin University, Australia to take advantage of the decades of experiences Australia has in this field.

"Australia is not only a great sporting nation, but also the greatest sports management nation," said Patrick Kearins, Trade Commissioner, Australian Trade Commission, "The concept of sports management has matured over the past 30 years in Australia with dedicated and educated professionals in the field. Indian sports industry can benefit from Australia's experience and expertise to develop their own industry and talent."

India lacks in almost every field when considering sports management. An NSDC (National Skill Development Centre) Skills Gap study in the sports sector found that by the year 2022, India would need the following: Sports coaches - 364,745 PE teachers 976,938, Fitness trainers 363,605, skills (physio, medicine, psycho etc.) for player development 366,533, Skills (commentator, scorekeeper, referee etc.) for matches 78,291 per skill.

To increase Sports Management expertise, one has to begin from the grassroots perception. In Australia parents look at sports management as a prestigious industry unlike India where the understanding of sports has yet to go beyond playing in the highest levels of a game. However, the landscape predominantly occupied by cricket has been changing rapidly with hockey, tennis, golf, football starting to see similar transition. "That transition will require a large group of professionals, people who may not play at the high levels, but who know what it is to deliver quality when it comes to management of talent, sponsorships and its value, understanding sports science and sports marketing etc.," Kearins said.

Talking about Australia as an education and sports destination, Patrick Kearins added, "Despite population as big as Greater Mumbai, Australia is one of the most successful sporting nations in the world, not just in playing it but in sports management that evolved in the 1970s with the creation of the Australian Institute of Sports. The model we pioneered there has become so successful that it has been adopted by the world."To know
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