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Public Schools Provide Volunteer Opportunities.

A working mother and school teacher, Rogers knows that some people aren't sure whether they can work volunteering into their everyday schedule. People would be surprised at how flexible doing school volunteer work can be, she says.``I know some people that volunteer during their lunch hour,'' she says, adding volunteering can mean reading a story to a class or tutoring a student who needs help with math or communications skills.Rogers uses her personal days to do volunteer work for the school system. ``We also do a lot of things at night, like baking or grading papers.

There is some volunteer work that can be done from a person's bed, such as making telephone calls.Working parents who are on the job from 4 p.m. to 9 a.m. can come and volunteering in the morning. ``We have something for anyone who wants to volunteer,'' she says.Sometimes a volunteer project only needs a person for one night every six weeks, such as the dial-a-teacher program, where students call in and ask for help if they are having trouble with their homework.``Whenever students see that parents care - that they are willing to volunteer for things - they are being role models,'' says Rogers, who specializes in teaching computer science in York County public schools.

When volunteers help out schools that are short staffed, they allow the school division to channel funds into improving education for their children, she points out.Different volunteers are needed for the various educational levels.Elementary schools need library and teacher helpers, room representatives, office helpers, tutors, readers, bakers, and special event and field trip volunteers.Middle schools need office volunteers, nurse's helpers, library workers, tutors, field trip volunteers, bakers and teacher helpers.High schools need store clerks, library and nurse helpers, office workers, tutors and special project volunteers who can work on events such as dances and after-prom parties.

If a volunteer isn't interested in anything on the PTA's list, they are welcome to come up with their own ideas. Rogers knows of a volunteer that visits schools and gives students orientations on science projects.Other adults do volunteer work aimed at extracurricular activities, such as football or cultural arts programs.For more information on volunteering at a Hampton school, contact the school you are interested in working with or that school's PTA president.To know more visit our site